Friday, January 2, 2009

confides, stick

We have it on good note that Jessica Langley, long time squirrel huntress, confides in tarot before each outing. Sources say Langley will not even think of entering any squirrel infested yard without first consulting her Bohemian Gothic Tarot since her dastardly confrontation with stick throwing squirrels in the Quim's front lawn. We are told she will not be taken off guard again.


  1. trying to get a decent word- have many meanings, but just need a bloody word.

    No word came up- just a blank space!

  2. got one- don't like it. trying for another

  3. It's spooky how you are going backward and forward through a blog- picking the meat from the bones- slipper comment never came through to my hotmail FB, so I assumed no-one would read that far back...


  4. I like how you're using my innocent Scrabble Inspirations for your own humorous pleasures. Coming to my back-alley-underground for some cheap thrills, eh? Thinking no one will notice? You forgot about the Shemut. BOO!

    Ohhh, that was a good one, wasn't it. =) If I was the boozer I apparently used to be, I'd offer myself a vodka tonic.

    Total GASP! The rest WAS about me wasn't it! Shame on you, you Shemut! We started blogging at the same time. I never commented to you right away. Besides which, your blog is very easy to read and thoughtful and inspirational, so of course I'm going to go back and forth. Wouldn't you expect your students to? Your blog is wonderfully set up that way.

  5. Bohemian Gothic- I prefer Rider Waite myself.

  6. You tarrot? Really? I have all kinds for all different things. I also have chrystals and rocks. Wish we lived closer. We'd be such good friend I think, don't you?

  7. I don't have Bohemian Gothic, but I thought it was smashingly funny under the circumstances. started playing scrabble with Tracey online again so hope to have more silly scrabble inspirations going soon.

  8. Friends not friend. That would be weird, singular. Hmmm. Interesting thing to think about while trying to fall asleep.

  9. I have a nice piece of Moldavite, used for cleansing my other crystals. I bought a great bracelet in Taiwan- Angelhair crystal, grade A- very clear with golden 'hairs' running through. Very lucky.

    I am quite intuitive and good with the cards- but not for myself. Have no idea for me! Terrible.
